Konstantin Grcic: 'Champions'
through July 23 '11
Galerie Kreo
Currently showing at Galerie Kreo, is a new collection of lacquered tables by Konstantin Grcic. Entitled 'Champions', the tables take their form and colours from the world of high performance sports.
The tables are each comprised of a highly decorated aluminium supporting structure, similar to a trestle, upon which rests a simple sheet of glass.
The eye is drawn immediately to the support structures, with their multi-coloured graphical motifs, drawn from the visual language of motor and bike racing, skiing, and hockey; in which a communication of speed and strength is paramount. As the designer explains: “What I particularly like is how the graphics on sports equipment refers to performance...They create the illusion that the object with them is faster or more powerful than the one without."
The graphics we see on the tables are entirely fictional, utilising this language of speed and performance in a static object. To explain his vision, Grcic says "I want the tables to appear like they are Formula 1 cars lined up on the starting grid of a race track.”
However, the designer is keen to stress that this work is about more than surface decoration; "I am interested in the psychology of graphics in relation to products and more specifically, how the semantics of certain colours, words, symbols can change the perception of an object."
'Champions' consists of 4 large tables ('Apache', 'Banzai', 'Jetdog' and 'Podify') and 4 small tables ('Monroe', 'Nada', 'Jaxone' and '465'). Each table is produced as an edition of six.

Konstantin Grcic: Champions

Konstantin Grcic: Champions (detail)

Konstantin Grcic: Champions 'Podify',

Konstantin Grcic: 'Podify', Champions (detail)

Konstantin Grcic: 'Apache', Champions (detail)

Konstantin Grcic: 'Jetdog', Champions (detail)

Konstantin Grcic: 'Banzai', Champions (detail)