Andrew Lord at MK Gallery
Open Through 28 November '10
Milton Keynes, England
British artist Andrew Lord is showing a retrospective of his thirty year career at MK Gallery. During his early career Lord focused his work on creating a series of vessels which explore the use of narrative and play in designed objects. He uses a variety of materials including clay, plaster, beeswax and bronze.
Lord's "Profile" series explores how the negative space of an object can become an extension of the piece; a reference to the common visual experiment "Faces or Vases". His vessels remind us that we must not only design an object, but also an environment.
From the press release:
Lord’s early experiments frequently reworked the traditional forms of jugs, vases and cups. He produced numerous variations of groupings of ceramic forms (eg jug, vase and dish; vase, dish and cup; two vases; and coffee sets) capturing different qualities of light and shade which sometimes echoed the styles of Cezanne, Monet and Picasso. These works increasingly evoked the human figure, eventually culminating in a series of vases that fuse the continuous outline of a vessel with the facial profile of artists who had influenced him, including Marcel Duchamp, Jasper Johns and Paul Gauguin.

Vases by Andrew Lord