2000–2010 Design in Vienna
7 October ’10 – 9 January ‘11
Wien Museum
Karlsplatz, Austria
Design in Vienna has been a growing market over the last decade. In recent years, it has become more of an active scene in line with the European trend for Design.
From the late 1990s design studios began to emerge, and have today become renowned companies such as BMW, Moroso, and Walter Knoll. Many traditional manufacturers began working with new generation product designs resulting in a new movement within the creative industries.
The exhibition 2000-2001 Design in Vienna presents a comprehensive overview of contemporary design in the city by showcasing eight central studios including Marco Dessi, EOOS, Use/Numen, among others.
The museum further presents these works in conjunction with traditional Viennese craft within high-tech companies to innovative small businesses.
For more information please visit www.weinmuseum.at

Dejana Kabiljo - BONNIECLYDE