Gallery Libby Sellers: 'Tidal Osuary' by Julia Lohmann and Gero Grundmann
5th February - 4th March ’10
Jacqueline Rabun
Grosvenor Crescent Mews, London
As a follow-up to the collection presented at December's Design Miami, Gallery Libby Sellers will show an exclusive series of vessels by Julia Lohmann and Gero Grundmann for a month in London.
In keeping with Lohmann and Grundmann's uniquely controversial style, the works on display are made from found animal bones collected along the banks of the River Thames in London. The designers believe these bones are the waste products of the Victorian meat industry, and thus the ‘Tidal Ossuary’ collection continues Lohmann and Grundmann’s investigations into the contradictions inherent in our society’s relationship to animals. Their fascination with these bones lies in the resonant histories inherent in them and the narratives they can trigger. According to the designers, these 'remnants of meals long past have survived beyond their supposed use-by-date and will now be returned to useful objects.' All of the objects have been created with an intricate attention to detail and are fully functional.
Gallery Libby Sellers is a pioneering force in the world of pop-up galleries. Established in 2007, the gallery promotes and supports emerging design in temporary locations internationally.
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