If Objects Could Speak...
by Amina Nazari
In a world full of mass consumerism and planned obsolesce it seems that designers have designed away the more poetic and enduring qualities of our material culture, severing the deeper emotional connection that existed between objects and their users.
In his latest project, 'If Objects Could Speak What Would They Say', Amina Nazari proposes one means to combat this loss of emotional attachment through the use of narrative and Radio Frequency Identification Tags (RFID).
Using RFID tags, Nazari’s device allows users to catalogue, track and preserve information pertaining to a particular object. Narratives associated with an object and it's owners can be recorded onto the Tags and played back using the device. As the device and objet is passed on to new owners and future generations the narritives can be added to creating a comprehensive oral history of the object and it’s owners.
'If Objects Could Speak' by Amina Nazari