Le Corbusier's Cabanon 1952/2006 – The Interior 1:1
5th March - 28th April '09
RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects)
66 Portland Place, London
The Royal Institute of British Architects and Cassina present Le Corbusier’s Cabanon 1952/2006. The Interior 1:1.
The exhibition features a 1:1 reconstruction of the actual interior of the Cabanon that Le Corbusier planned and built in 1952 for his holidays at Cap-Martin.
Conceived, designed and built by Le Corbusier who was to live in it, the Cabanon comprises the ideal conditions of architectural planning, the dialectic synthesis between the concept and the accomplishment. Whereas the powers delegated on the architect by those who see the house as a projection of oneself or a kind of fetish to emulate, represent the perfect antithesis.
The Cabanon conceals a valuable example of architecture by Le Corbusier, who intended to assign its principal architectural value only to the interior of the construction.
Visitors will gain access to the reconstructed Cabanon through a covered area in which
images and other material relating to Le Corbusier and his presence in Cap-Martin are on show or projected.
In addition to this spectacular installation, RIBA will also house a collection of Le Corbusier furniture, which will be a platform to highlight the special Cassina/Corbusier relationship.

Le Corbusier Roquebrune-Cap-Martin: Cabanon ©FLC/SIAE L3(5)5