The Do Lectures
4th - 8th September '08
fforest farm
Cardigan, West Wales
As Dick Dastardly so poignantly stated, “Don’t just stand there, DO something’. This is precisely what the DO lectures are, well, doing.
The idea is simple, 75 zealous individuals, including Michael Braungart, Ken Yeang, John Grant and Trevor Baylis, have been invited to participate in a series of talks in the hope that they may inspire you to DO something. To give you the tools and the resolve to change the things you care about.
Speakers range from Designers, architects, ecologists, a beekeeper, and one rather clever inventor. And the topics are left wide open for each participant to decide. All that is asked of them is ‘to give the talk of their lives’.
Unfortunately for us the budget only allowed for 75 people to be invited. But don't worry. All the talks will be filmed and posted on the Do Lectures website.
So to follow the lectures and be inspired check out: