Magnetic Light_03
Jochem Faudet
Of all the illustrious achievements of science and technology, the creation of artificial light is at the top of the list. Today the miracle of light is far less about our ability to transform night into day at the flick of a switch, but more so about the innovative ways in which we use, harness and deliver it.
Designers such as Jochem Faudet, a recent graduate of the Royal College of Art, are sustaining this new wonder with products such as his Magnetic Light_03.
Inspired by everyday situations, Faudet has designed an exceptional lighting system based on a new and innovative solution for joining components, using the attraction of Neodymium magnets.
Without the need for the components to have permanent fixings, made possible by incorporating the magnets into the design of the lamp, Magnetic Light_03 becomes a flexible lamp suitable for many situations.
Depending on the task, the length and the desired light source (direct or
ambient), the modular lamps can be simply changed by adding or removing components, making it an elegant and resourceful tool for any office or home environment.
Magnetic Light_03 by Jochem Faudet 2008
Magnetic Light_03 by Jochem Faudet 2008
Magnetic Light_03 by Jochem Faudet 2008
Magnetic Light_03 by Jochem Faudet 2008