Gallery Highlights and Emerging Themes At Design Miami/ Basel 2014
Between Sculpture and Design
Today's emerging theme at Design Miami/ Basel 2014 is objects that exist between sculpture and design.
Art Deco’s investigation of the sculptural possibilities of the machine age carried from architecture and sculpture through to domestic furniture and started a formal dialogue that stretched the length of the twentieth century.
The rich interchange between the formal innovation that design has gained from sculpture, and the aesthetic of technical functionality that sculpture has fetishized in design is celebrated in this year’s Design Miami/ Basel, with works including Yonel Lebovici’s surreal Les Mains Chaude (1979) and Péter Pierre Székely’s anthropomorphic Bar (1950). The theme of Surrealism is picked up again in Claude Lalanne’s work, in which forms from the natural world are put to whimsical use as furniture, sculpture and jewelry.

Galerie Chastel Marechal: Les Mains Chaudes by Yonel Lebovici in 1979

Magen H Gallery New York: Bar by Peter Pierre Szekely in 1950

Louisa Guinness Gallery: Untitled Necklase by Claude Lalanne

Frank Laigneau: Pair of Armchairs by anonymous in 1920