Gallery Highlights and Emerging Themes At Design Miami/ Basel 2014
Exchange Between East and West
Today's emerging theme at Design Miami/ Basel 2014 is Exchange Between East and West; from the meticulous embroidery and trompe l’oeil of Danful Yang’s Packing Me Softly stools, to the beautifully balanced kinetic energy of Reinier Bosch’s Hurricane and Skirt tables, to the fine porcelain of Bouke de Vries’s knowing modern figurines, Chinese craftsmanship brings a refined edge to contemporary design.
The meshing of ancient and modern is also celebrated in the slick curves of Satyendra Pakhalé’s Roll Chair, which marries a ceramic body to a carbon fiber surface. Studio ceramics has long been the field of fruitful cultural exchange between Asian and European techniques; and tradition continued in the beautifully ‘monstrous’ forms of the young Japanese designer maker Takuro Kuwata. Antique orientalist works shown by Steinitz and Jason Jacques Inc. hint at the long heritage behind this East-West fascination.

Pearl Lam Galeries: High-tech Guanyin by Bouke de Vries in 2014

Pearl Lam Galeries: Hurricane by Renier Bosch in 2014

Pearl Lam Galeries: Skirt table by Renier Bosch in 2014

Pearl Lam Galleries: packing me softly by Danful Yang in 2014

Steinitz Paris: Large Mahogany ''Fauteuil de la Convention'' from the collection of the prince de La Tour d'Auvengne by Charles Percier & Jacob Brothers in 1792-1797

Steinitz Paris: ''Rack and pinion'' desk- table from the collections of the ''Villa Reatle'' in Martia, Italy, the residence of Elisa Baciocchi, sister of Napoleon I, Princ by Jacob Brothers 1800

Pierre Marie Giraud Brussels: Boite aux Grenouilles by Jean Girel in 2013

Pierre Marie Giraud Brussels: Bowl by Takuro Kuwata in 2013

Pierre Marie Giraud: Bowl by Takuro Kuwata in 2013