Vistas, London Festival of Architecture
20th June - 20th July '08
LFA 2008
Various Locations Across All Five Festival Hubs
Keep your eyes peeled for Vistas Street Furniture during this year’s London Festival of Architecture.
As part of the Festival’s core programme, the LFA have commissioned Studio Weave to design a special suite of Street Furniture which will be found in public spaces across all five Hubs for the duration of the Festival.
The exhibition furniture consists of plywood cut-out versions of a sofa, armchair, bookshelf and lamps. These domestic objects are adorned with a pattern designed by Eley Kishimoto in the Festivals signature pink.
Some of the sofas carry an exhibition of location-specific writing written by the teachers and students of the History, Theory, and Interpretation MA at London Metropolitan University. These pieces of information invite visitors to take a fresh look at parts of the city. The furniture pieces hold information about the Festival, including local maps, and information about events.