Poundshop and Studio Good One go mobile
Designer Goods for a Tenner or Less
For the London Architecture Festival the poundshop, a platform for designers to sell their wares for 1,5 or 10 pounds, teamed up with Studio Good One to create a mobile stand that is making its way around London.
Get your pocket change out and check out poundshop's website for their next location.
From Poundshop
If you have been to our previous poundshops you'll know that not only do we like to find a great selection of products but we love to commission a beautiful interior to show them off. So we are very pleased to present a special mobile Poundshop stand, brilliantly made by Studio Good One.
Good One is a multidisciplinary design collective established by Royal College of Art graduates Andrew Friend, Sitraka Rakotoniaina and Gerard Rallo in 2010. Through a practice that embraces design from concept through to execution Good One have worked with clients including Cheltenham Science Festival, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, and City of London to design and deliver interactive, engaging experiences in museums, exhibitions and public spaces. Check out their website for more of their great work!
The Poundshop Tour 2012 from Boohoowu on Vimeo.

Mobile Poundshop by Studio Good One