THINGS. plain & simple at MAK
13 June – 7 October '12
In an unusual take on the subject, the MAK exhibition THINGS. plain & simple explores the ideal of simplicity as a significant and formative element of style history across epochs and cultures. The broadly conceived exhibition from the museum’s collection puts the principle of simplicity in different perspectives, discussing it not only as an aesthetic premise, but also in the context of socio- political and sociological phenomena.
THINGS. plain & simple combines parallel theme exhibitions in a notable curatorial experiment: curated by three MAK collection curators, the exhibition traces the aesthetics of simplicity in both European and Asian art history. The exhibits on view impressively illustrate how reduction informed style over centuries in almost periodical waves.
“THINGS. plan & simple sees itself as making a case for the ideas of plain- ness and simplicity of form and may well be taken as a call for a new school of seeing that does not foreground opulent materials and abundant decoration, but perfection in plain and simple shapes. The MAK thus carries on its founding mission of compiling a sample collection to spur fruitful collaboration between art and industry,” MAK director Christoph Thun-Hohenstein explains.
MAK Exhibition Hall
Weiskirchnerstraße 3, 1010 Vienna

THINGS. plain & simple at MAK

THINGS. plain & simple at MAK

THINGS. plain & simple at MAK

THINGS. plain & simple at MAK

THINGS. plain & simple at MAK

THINGS. plain & simple at MAK

THINGS. plain & simple at MAK

THINGS. plain & simple at MAK