Mint Explores | London Design Festival
17 September – 30 September '11
Mint will be presenting the exhibition 'Mint Explores' during the London Design Festival 2011. The show brings together fifty fearless designers, or as Mint calls them 'intrepid expolorers', examining the influence of fashion, material science and indigenous crafts in their designs.
Most intriguing are the works that explore visual presumption. For example, from a distance 'Fish Skin Bowls' by Kari Furre look as though they are printed linen, it is only when the curious viewer looks closer that the true material is revealed. Many other desigers in 'Mint Explores' trick the mind presenting cellulose as concrete, ceramic as stone and textile as porcelain. These works are a perfect reminder that things are not always as they seem.
The exhibition also explores the transformational quality of jewellery; presenting works that morph from artwork to jewellery when presented on the body.
Mint is also exhibitng work from international designers including the Mexican company Pirwi and designers from Peru and Taiwan. 'Mint Explores' provides visitors a chance to explore contemporary design furniture and objects that are influenced by a wide array of cultures, locations, and materials.

‘Tool Museum’ Sharon Adams

‘Honey Glazed Bottle’ - Chris Taylor