Anna Heringer at the Bartlett
January 12 '11
Bartlett School of Architecture
This evening at 6:30pm Anna Heringer will be lecturing at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London. Anna is a pioneer in sustainable thinking; she has moved far beyond the marketing hype of 'green design' and has formulated her own set of values and ideas concerning how design can move us into a sustainable future. She has worked all over the world testing her design theories; creating schools and homes that encourage self-sufficiency and sustainable living practices.
She writes:
"Architecture is a tool to improve lives. The vision and motivation for my work is to explore and use architecture as a medium to strengthen cultural and individual confidence, to support local economies and to foster the ecological balance. For me, sustainability is a synonym for beauty: a building that is harmonious in its design, structure, technique and the use of materials, as well as with the place, the environment, the user, the socio-cultural context - this, for me, is what defines its sustainable and aesthetic value."
Anna Heringer has won several international awards, amongst them the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, the AR Emerging Architecture Award (2006 and 2008), the Archiprix- Douglas Award for the world best graduation projects and The European Colour Design Award.
Details of Lecture :
January 12 '11
Wates House
22 Gordon Street
London WC1H 0QB

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Handmade School by Anna Heringer

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