How much food can one grow in a derlict shop?
20 Dalston Lane
Something & Son have converted 20 Dalston Lane, a derelict shop, into London's first urban farming hub - a gallery and events venue packed to the rafters with living and breathing food - literally a farm in a shop.
At FARM:shop exhibitions change with the seasons as nature takes it's course. For the opening in October we saw: 'Aquaponic' micro fish farming, a high tech Indoor allotment, a rooftop chicken coop, and a poly-tunnel. As the project, and the food, continues to grow, FARM:shop will begin to sell their produce from the farm's cafe and to local restaurants.
At a time when urban farming has become de rigueur among young designers, Something & Son have stepped away from speculation and have jumped directly into action. Instead of contemplating possible futures - they are creating one.
Franceso Manacorda writes:
FARM:shop will bring an emerging kind of art to a wider public. Art that is interested in cycles, natural materials, growth and roots rather than 'original' creations that hang disconnected, in time and space.
FARM:shop website
Something & Son website

FARM:shop by Something & Son

FARM:shop by Something & Son

FARM:shop by Something & Son