Christophe Coppens - 20 Years : Auction at Pierre Berge
December 5 '10
Trained as a theatre director and actor, Christophe Coppens' design practice ranges from outlandish fashion accessories to furniture and housewares. On December 5 '10 in celebration of the 20th anniversary of Atelier Coppens, Pierre Berge is hosting an auction of various prototypes and collectables from Coppens' sweeping collection.
Amongst the various lots, we are watching a set of four charred wood vases estimated at €500 - €800. We are also keeping an eye on Coppens wicker lounge chair estimated at €3000 - €4000. Lastly, we recommend the crab dish set estimated at €500 - €800.
The catalogue for the auction is definitely worth a look through, Coppen's designs are innovative, witty, and at times other-worldy. You can download the catalogue from the Pierre Berge website.
From Christophe :
A lot but a few, two decades felt like seconds, just a moment. Each year, each collection, each exhibition gives the feeling of a new start, hence this glance at the first 20 years. No reason for partying (it is not the time), nor looking behind (it is still too early). But indeed a time to make a mental print, to start fresh, to take a deep breath and remain silent because 20 years is a beautiful age and incites to reflection. Lots of projects, works, exhibitions, runaways... taking each a few seconds only, to be wrapped up and immediately forgotten, creation taking each time over the exhibition. For the most part of these works, it has never been relevant enough to show them again; novelties always matter, previous ones are tidied up and kept in memories. But not anymore! It took me some time to collect some 170 works, to present them in a catalogue, to show them during three days, to sell them... and even more. Some of these works will find a new home, at amateurs’ who wish to collect, to keep and love these works. And in a much better way than in a box archived at the rear of a workshop. Then create new works, because this is my passion, the reason why I do this job; have new ideas and make them happen, again and again. I am thus very pleased of Pierre Bergé & Associés Auction house invitation in Brussels. It will be my great pleasure to welcome you at Pierre Bergé & associés Brussels during the public viewing and the sale. Looking forward to the next 20 years, as a new beginning! Tomorrow is today!
Christophe Coppens

Ensemble de quatre pots en chêne brule by Christophe Coppens

“Chaise” cannée à la main by Christophe Coppens

Ensemble de huit plats à couvercles en forme de crabe en porcelaine japonaise “Hasami” région de Nagasaki Issu de la collection “The Table” by Christophe Coppens