Abraaj Capital Art Prize 2010
31 Aug - 10 Oct '10
Museum of Art and Design
New York, NY
The Museum of Art and Design presents the 2010 winners of the Abraaj Capital Art Prize for the second year of its existence.
This award is unique in that it not only disburses $1 million to its recipients, but it also distinctly focuses on contemporary art and design from the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia (MENASA) region.
The award also allows proposals from artists and curators pairing rather than individually realized works. The three winners this year are Algerian, Egyptian, and Lebanese all of which are pairings between artists and curators.
For more information please visit, www.madmuseum.org.

Hala Elkoussy The Myths & Legends Room: The Mural 2010

Marwan Sahmarani The Feast of the Damned 2010