Dead or Alive
27th April – 24th October, '10
Museum of Arts & Design
Columbus Circle, New York City
On 27 April, the Museum of Arts and Design in New York will open “Dead or Alive”, an exhibition of works from over 30 international artists and designers that have been created entirely from materials that were once part of living organisms including feathers, bones, silkworm cocoons, plants, and even hair.
The show will feature a number of new commissions designed specifically for the museum. Among these installations, is a piece by American artist Jennifer Angus that utilizes thousands of dried insects to mimic vintage wallpaper. Other exhibitors include Angus Hutcheson, Damien Hirst, Nick Cave, Levi van Veluw, and Alastair Mackie among others. The exhibition will run until 24 October.
For more information, please visit