Looking At The iPad From Two Angles
By David Pogue for the New York Times
In this informative and slightly amusing article, David Pogue of the New York Times offers two critiques of the soon-to-be-available iPad: one for ‘Techies’ and one for ‘Everyone Else’. In doing so, Pogue goes beyond the iPad and makes an interesting social commentary on the nature of technology and design in the world today.
Probably not surprisingly, the review for the Techies is scathing, painting the iPad as a stupid publicity stunt at best, while the review for Everyone Else is postive and excited describing the iPad as the latest must have piece of shiny technology.
It is disturbing to have the division between the design audiences demonstrated so blantently, but the issue is not so black and white. As Pogue points out in the article, though the lines may seem set, both the Techies and everyone else have good points to their arguments. This leaves the ultimate conclusion of the issue as a subjective decision: ‘Do you like the concept?’
So DeTnk wants to ask, do you like the concept of the iPad?
Send your comments in to info@detnk.com