Exhibition: EcoTopia
15th March - 15th April ’10
Nectar Design Studio
Long Beach, California
Opening this month in Long Beach California is a juried exhibition called ‘EcoTopia’, which highlights new concepts in green product design.
The show was organized by the leading Southern California product design consultancy Nectar, to showcase innovative and trendsetting designs aimed at fostering a healthy ecosystem and more sustainable society.
The exhibition consists of twenty new products from designers of all experience levels around the world. The concepts behind these designs span a diverse range of fields including electronics, home furnishings, gardening, and fashion.
By organizing this exhibition Nectar hopes to encourage the development of green product design on a global scale.
For more information please visit www.nectardesign.com

Seed Gun by Venessa Harden for her 'Subversive Gardener' Collection, 2010

Shoe by Venessa Harden from her 'Subversive Gardener' Collection, 2010

'Move-It' by David Graham, 2010

'Nature Footwear' by Carmel Walsh, 2010