KISD Design Anual 2009
After a 6 year break, we are pleased to be able to present another KISD Yearbook. The times have changed; in 1993 it was unique and in 2003 still exceptional for a Design School to produce a yearbook, but today it’s common practice. These yearbooks have slowly become highly attractive, and are distributed both nationally and internationally. It seemed therefore imperative that KISD should consider the purpose of this revitalized tradition.
Obviously there is also an internal reason: the Yearbook was always, and is now again, a markedly exciting medium for critical and proud reflection on the year at KISD. Where we remind ourselves what was seminal, what we would like to present to the outside world to initiate, stimulate, provoke. Our alumni can also find a platform here to show their work to the broader public. Those who have studied here at KISD, currently study here, or who would like to study here, will not only find an essence of the noteworthy and the memorable, but also the forward thinking.
However, our expectations go somewhat further. We don’t want this yearbook to be a simple navelgazing experience. We would like our work at KISD to be reflected on in the context of comprehensive, design-relevant topics. We would like our guests and onlookers to have the opportunity to comment. Our wish is to produce a book that is exciting and informative for design-interested readers. The overall topic for KISD in 2009 is »Design and Economy.« What significance has design in business and for business? How can business thoughts be integrated into design? Which economic frameworks play a role? In which business frameworks can design education operate? Which business frames are expected and which ones will design graduates find?
We wish our readers inspiring reading, and we are looking forward to feedback and suggestions.