D&A Lab
Object Rotterdam, 3rd-7th February ‘10
D&A Lab, Brussels is a young gallery that commissions contemporary artists to create innovative design objects. By doing so they aim to unify the unique, rigid and non-functional aspect of art with the recognizable character of the design-object functionality.
At Object Rotterdam, D&A is presenting a varied selection of works by Amaral-Bostyn, Jan Fabre, and Hans Op de beeck among others.
Some highlights include a white wall-mounted cupboard by Dimitri Vangrunderbeeck which is covered in a series of miniscule figurine cut-outs based on the series of twelve silouette photographs taken by Muybridge in the nineteenth century to illustrate the human range of motion while walking. By using laser technology the artist has been able to give the cut-outs a realism, and the shadows and holes created from the cut-outs form a fantastic pattern across the surface of the cupboard, which is quite remarkable.
Another intriguing piece is ‘Andy’ by Gert Verhoeven. This whimsical seat was conceived of as an ode to the iconic artist Andy Warhol, which comes through in both its form and function. Not only are the cushions and arms crafted as an homage to the pop artist’s signature wig, but the construction of the seat with the arms so far from the center was devised specially to ensure that the sitter would have to lounge across it in a diva-like fashion.

Unit(s) no. 1 by Dimitri Vangrunderbeeck for D&A Lab

Unit(s) no. 1 by Dimitri Vangrunderbeeck for D&A Lab

Unit(s) no. 1 by Dimitri Vangrunderbeeck for D&A Lab

'Andy' by Gert Verhoeven for D&A Lab

Nen Assebak by Jan for D&A Lab