‘Frozen in Time’: New Works by Wieki Somers
30th January - March ’10
Galerie Kreo
rue Dauphine, Paris
Opening this month at Galerie Kreo in Paris is a show of new works by Dutch designer Wieki Somers. The exhibition is called ‘Frozen in Time’ and features a collection that merges conventional objects such as a lamp or stool with the unconventional forms of flowering sprigs and transparent ice-like layers to create some pretty fantastical pieces.
Inspiration for this project came from photographs taken after a winter storm struck the North East of the Netherlands on March 2nd 1987. This storm brought 20-30 millimeters of icy rain pouring down, which froze solid after a quick frost creating a thick layer of ice on everything from branches to lampposts and clotheslines. The resulting scene showed a metamorphosis of forms merging these random objects to their surroundings in an organic and visually provocative way.
For ‘Frozen in Time’ Somers has recreated this effect in a series of functional objects that are truly quite striking.
For more information on the exhibition please visit www.galeriekreo.com.

Frozen Twig lamp by Wieki Somers, 2010

Frozen Twig lamp (detail) by Wieki Somers, 2010

Frozen stool by Wieki Somers, 2010

Frozen stool (detail) by Wieki Somers, 2010