NOW SHOWING: DeTnk.TV Studio at Tent London
29th September '09
After 4 days of rigorous interviews, on the spot editing and daily uploads we are pleased to say that the DeTnk.TV Studio at Tent London was a great success.
From established figures like Rolf Sachs, Yves Behar, Ilse Crawford and Priscilla Carluccio to emerging talents such as Lee Broom and Ryan Frank, more than 25 interviews were undertaken and are now sitting on our laptops waiting for their final edits.
We will continue to post the edited videos daily throughout the next month so WATCH THIS SPACE.
We would like to extend a great thanks to all of our sponsors, our interviewers and of course our interviewees, all of whom helped to make this an enjoyable and very successful 4 days. And a very special thanks to Tent London.
Infinity Glass created our lovely studio
Ligne Roset provided the furniture
Stay tuned to DeTnk.TV......

Sebastian Bergne at the DeTnk.TV Studio at Tent London 2009

Jair Straschnow at the DeTnk.TV Studio at Tent London 2009

Priscilla Carluccio at the DeTnk.TV Studio at Tent London 2009

Ilse Crawford at the DeTnk.TV Studio at Tent London 2009