DeTnk's Featured Book of the Month
9th September ‘09
Whether you live in London or are planning a visit, we highly recommend picking up a copy of Max Fraser’s latest creation “London Design Guide”.
Informative and visually engaging, the guide acts as a handbook dedicated to the vibrant and multi-faceted designscape of London.
Filled with information for all kinds of design enthusiasts, it covers literally every aspect of London’s vibrant scene while celebrating the rich mix of design which runs rampant throughout our city.
Organized by key areas, the guide reviews everything from Design Retailers to Galleries, Institutions, and Bookshops. Each area is accompanied by a clear map and a personal tour through the area, written by an informed local. These are supported by restaurant, bar, cafe and hotel recommendations.
In addition the guide includes several editorial features including the key feature ‘Design Tribes’, which identifies groupings of designers working with similar philosophies, as well as 'Digital Dialogue' an article written by DeTnk's editor about the communication of design online.
It's as comprehensive as a design guide can get, but the real advantage this guide has over so many others is that the writing is so honest and engaging. This is one of the smoothest design guides you'll find, and for just £10 it's a steal of a deal.
So if you are in the market for a comprehensive portrayal of London’s design scene then Buy your copy HERE.

London Design Guide - Photo by Ed Reeve

London Design Guide - Photo by Ed Reeve

London Design Guide - Photo by Ed Reeve

London Design Guide - Photo by Ed Reeve