The Swiss Season: Big-Game
4th July - 30th August ’09
The Lighthouse
11 Mitchell Lane, Glasgow
As part of their 10 year anniversary celebrations The Lighthouse presents ‘The Swiss Season: Big-Game’, an exhibition featuring the work of Lausanne-based design studio Big-Game.
Best known for their unique approach to design, manipulating codes by amalgamating references, Big-Game is often characterised by their playful functionalism.
While capturing this unique and spontaneous approach to design, the exhibition presents a series of products whose titles give reference to the ‘actions’ applied on the archetypes to transform them.
The basic structure of a tubular chair turns BOLD, for instance, as it would in typography. In the same manner a lamp is born from the FOLD of a sheet of material and a chandelier appears as a LINK between light bulbs.
Bold chair by Big-Game - The Lighthouse 2009
Martino drink tray by Big-Game - The Lighthouse 2009