ZonaTortona.TV + DeTnk.Tv
21st - 27th April '09
Via Bergognone 26, ZonaTortona
Milan Design Week, Milan
For the first time, DeTnk, in partnership with ZonaTortona, will be hosting ZonaTortona.TV + DeTnk.Tv – a live onsite purpose-built studio, in the centre of ZonaTortona.
The project will be one of ZonaTortona’s institutional and content initiatives for the 2009 Milan Design Week.
Key figures from the global design scene will be interviewed in the studio. The interviews will be broadcast live onto plasma screens which will line the outside walls of the studio. Further screens will be spread throughout the ZonaTortona Territory, allowing visitors throughout ZonaTortona to watch the interview sessions as they unfold.
DeTnk.TV will schedule regular interviews throughout each day of ZonaTortona.
In between sessions, our interviews will be edited into shorter 3-4 minute videos which will then be immediately broadcast on Detnk.com and the ZonaTortona website.