Cristina Ferraz
(DE)light is Cristina Ferraz's most recent work which attempts to challenge our concept of light by reinterpreting the key components of light, lamp and bulb.
The project by RCA graduate Ferraz, explores the notion of freeing light from its solid exterior and bringing it back to its intangible essence.
Speaking on her work, she explains:
"Industrial design is neither a servant of industry nor an exclusively cultural agent. It is time for us designers to fully exercise this dichotomy, joining technology with psychology. We are in need of a revolution in objects: a new typology of products that merge cultural and psychological development implementing the changes that the meteoric advance in technology has provided us with."
"(DE)light is the starting point for a new way of thinking about the everyday objects that surround us. It poses an open question on how beautiful things can be by envisioning a more enchanting future – and making it real."
You can find more information on Cristina Ferraz and her work by visiting www.cristinaferraz.es
Watch the (DE)light video here.