The Gifted Eye of Charles Eames: A Portfolio of 100 Images
17th July - 27th July '08
Living Edge
345 Bridge Rd, Richmond, Melbourne, Australia
As part of the PopUps series of events for the Melbourne International Design Festival, Living Edge presents ‘The Gifted Eye of Charles Eames: A Portfolio of 100 Images'.
Arguably the most important American designers of the modern era, Charles and Ray Eames are best known for their groundbreaking contributions to furniture design, architecture, industrial design and manufacture.
Featuring 100 rarely seen images from the Eames family collection, this insightful exhibition, in celebration of 100 years since Charles birth, is a reflection on how everyday objects reveal their ability to inspire profound ideas.
For the Eameses, and particularly Charles, photography was not merely a way to record things, it was integral in the design process.
The Gifted Eye of Charles Eames is created by the Eames Office, commissioned by Herman Miller International, made possible in Australia by Living Edge.