W-House by Uchida Architect Design Office
Interior Architecture and Design
W-House is a weekend residence for a husband and a wife who loves to go climbing. It stands on east facing slope inside a national park, where grand nature can be viewed in all directions.
The architect designed this building by a concept to divide required indoor spaces from the collection of perpendicularly crossing independent walls. This is a device to capture exposed view to all directions while ensuring moderate privacy by creating hidden spaces at the same time. Moreover, the outer scene one can see between those walls changes intricately by moving around the room.
Cedar plate is used for inside and outside wall, but the walls are designed to be as abstract as possible without losing the touch of the material itself. To the end, the main cast of the space is the outer scene, and the perpendicularly crossing walls controlling the outer scene are meant to play a supporting role.
Images © Hiroyuki Kawano