Richard Rogers RA: Inside Out at the Royal Academy
18 July - 13 October '13
Richard Rogers RA: Inside Out explores the ideas and ethos of the internationally renowned
architect and urbanist Lord Rogers of Riverside. Timed to coincide with Rogers’ 80th birthday, the
exhibition will examine his social, political and cultural influences and their connection to his
architecture. Previously unseen original material, drawings and personal items, presents a unique
insight into the thinking behind one of the world’s most celebrated architects. Richard Rogers RA:
Inside Out is held in Burlington Gardens, the Royal Academy’s new venue for contemporary art and architecture.
A number of high-profile projects that incorporate Rogers’ architectural principles are showcased. These include the Centre Pompidou, designed with Renzo Piano and still considered one of the most radical modern buildings since its opening in 1977, the Grade 1 listed headquarters for Lloyd’s of London, and the Bordeaux Law Courts. Through these projects Rogers has established himself and his practice, Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, as standing at the forefront of the architecture industry.
The exhibition draws on key stages in Rogers’ life, from the influence of his Italian family, his
experience of wartime and post-war Britain, his education at the Architectural Association and Yale, and the impact of seeing new American architecture and technology. Visitors will be introduced to Rogers’ principles through the presentation of major projects and collaborations, revealing his pioneering ideas about architecture and his belief in the need to create vibrant cities for everyone.

Terminal 4, Barajas Airport, Madrid by Richard Rogers

Lloyds of London, Atrium by Richard Rogers

Centre Pompidou Colour-Coded External Services by Richard Rogers

National Assembly for Wales by Richard Rogers

London As It Could Be by Richard Rogers

Zip-Up House by Richard Rogers