Deadstock by Castor Design
turning old parts into good design
Canadian design duo Castor (French for Beaver) have tackled the age old design method of breathing new life into old unused industrial materials. What sets their work apart from the sea of other 're-appropriated' design products is that they have done it WELL. The series of products, which they have entitled 'Deadstock,' uses old industrial parts to truly create new aesthetically considered products and will be available in April 2012.
The Deadstock series was inspired when Castor found stock of unused steel components in a defunct lighting factory in Toronto. The old lamp parts were discovered in dust-covered boxes that had not been touched for 30 years. The se- ries forms a collection of six products including various lights and a totally unique marble coffee and side table, all with the trademark industrial edge combined with the quality of refined in- novative design. Each new product combines simple movement within the parts to provide op- tions for angle of light, look and use.
“We like to take old materials that would other- wise become waste and re-contextualize their use,” explains Castor’s Brian Richer. “Finding this old stock, produced in Canada by one of the largest lighting manufacturers, represents a part of history. By re-interpreting the definition of the parts, adding new materials and techniques we are creating a new story for each product.”

Deadstock by Castor Design

Deadstock by Castor Design

Deadstock by Castor Design