Story Time
by Atelier NL with Laikingland
Continuing with their mission to collaborate with leading designers to create kinetic design pieces Laikingland introduces their newest work Story Time by Atelier NL.
Story Time is an unconventional clock that challenges users not to tell time by hours in a day but by the stories which happen within time.
From Laikingland:
Ordinarily a clock is an instrument used to indicate, keep, and co-ordinate time. Commonly it is understood to tell the time.
Time is universally accepted as part of a measuring system used to sequence events. The earth rotates about its axis once per day; a day is a sequence of 24 hours, a clock reports this 24 hour sequence numerically.
Story Time by Atelier NL with Laikingland isn’t an ordinary clock, it doesn’t tell the time as a sequence of 24 hours. It tells a story, a sequence of events.
“But, what’s the story?” inquires the guest.
“The story of my perfect day...” replies the Author.
“A selection of my favourite sonnets...” says the Poet. “The chronicles of time...” comments the Historian.Story Time is a wonderful wall mounted time-piece created to question our perceptions of time.
To celebrate this concept, AtelierNL with Laikingland will take the narrative theme of Story Time a step further. The time-piece is not currently scripted to tell a story, but rather the text is an invitation to the viewer to tell their own story.
“What’s your story?” is printed on the Story Time ribbon in 50 different languages. Through the course of a day the ribbon moves from one reel to the other and the viewer is questioned “What’s your story?” in the different languages of the world, English to Dutch to Arabic to Italian to Chinese to Spanish to Korean and so on.
Story Time is a customisable time-piece with buyers and collectors invited to tell their own stories.

Story Time by Atelier NL with Laikingland

Story Time by Atelier NL with Laikingland

Story Time by Atelier NL with Laikingland